CV Tips: The importance of tailoring your CV to specific job roles

Filed Under: CV Advice

The importance of tailoring your CV according to the job role you are applying for.


Tailoring your CV to specific job roles is essential for several reasons:


1. Shows Relevance 

Customising your CV highlights the skills, experiences, and qualifications that are directly relevant to the job you're applying for, showing employers you have what they need.

2. Passes ATS Filters 

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen CVs. Including keywords from the job description, helps your CV pass through these systems and reach a human recruiter.

3. Grabs Attention Quickly

Recruiters often spend only a few seconds scanning a CV. A tailored CV that aligns with the job requirements captures their attention and encourages a more thorough read.


4. Emphasises Key Experience

By focusing on the most relevant parts of your background, you make a stronger case for why you’re the best fit for the role. This highlights your relevant achievements and experiences.

5. Shows Effort and Interest

A tailored CV demonstrates that you’ve taken the time to understand the job and the company. This reflects well on your work ethic and enthusiasm for the role.

6. Gives You a Competitive Edge

In a competitive job market, a tailored CV sets you apart from other candidates who may have similar qualifications but haven’t customised their application.

7. Leads to Better Interviews

When your CV matches the job requirements, interview questions will likely be more focused and relevant, allowing you to better prepare and provide more pertinent answers.

How to Tailor Your CV


1) Analyse the Job Description:

  • Identify key skills, experiences, and qualifications needed.
  • Note specific language and keywords used.

2) Match Your Skills and Experience:

  • Highlight skills and experiences that match the job description.
  • Use similar terminology and keywords.

3)Adjust Your Professional Summary:

  • Customise your summary to reflect your suitability for the specific role.
  • Mention the job title and key qualifications directly.

4) Reorder Sections and Content:

  • Place the most relevant information at the top of each section.
  • Reorganise sections to prioritise pertinent experience.

5) Focus on Relevant Achievements:

  • Emphasise achievements most relevant to the job you’re applying for.
  • Quantify achievements to provide clear evidence of your impact.

Example of a Tailored CV

Job Description Excerpt:

"Seeking a Marketing Manager with experience in digital marketing, campaign management, and team leadership. Must be proficient in SEO, PPC, and data analysis."

Tailored CV Excerpt:

Professional Summary:

"Experienced Marketing Manager with over five years of expertise in digital marketing, campaign management, and leading teams to success. Proficient in SEO, PPC, and data analysis, with a proven track record of increasing web traffic and improving ROI."

Key Skills:

  • Digital Marketing
  • SEO & PPC Campaigns
  • Data Analysis
  • Team Leadership


Marketing Manager: XYZ Corporation, London (June 2020 – Present)

Developed and implemented digital marketing strategies, increasing website traffic by 30%.

Managed PPC campaigns, achieving a 20% improvement in ROI.

Led a team of 5 marketing specialists, enhancing productivity and campaign effectiveness.


By tailoring your CV like this, you create a compelling narrative that aligns with the employer’s needs, significantly enhancing your chances of securing an interview.


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Get in touch with Sian from Forces CV Services at or 07715 302312

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